Royal Belum

The Royal Belum State Park was established in the year 2000. In July 2003, the Belum forest was known as “Royal Belum”. Officially gazetted as the Royal Belum State Park on May 3rd 2007. Royal Belum State park has land mass of 117,500 hectares which cover almost 50% of total Belum Temenggor Forest Reserve (300,000 hectares).
Located in Northern Perak district, Malaysia, the area is surrounded by Thailand border on the northern side, East-West highway on the Southern side and state of Kelantan on the Eastern side. The area shares border with Bang Lang National Park, Thailand and Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.

Southern part is called Temenggor Forest Reserve which is within Belum-Temenggor Valley area. The rainforest has somewhat different in density and has heavy logging activities which is considered red-zone by some naturalist.